(Center) This is a giant clothespin that I modge-podged die cuts on and placed a magnet on the back. This will hang next to my desk with the "important" papers that I tend to misplace.
(Bottom) My pencil holders that will be set around the room. I had forgotten the paint can idea until another teacher had posted her pics of her paint cans. These are the small paint cans and I just spray painted them and added a ribbon using a craft glue (for glass, metal, etc.). I did put some pebbles in the bottoms because otherwise they are a bit tall for the pencils. These will be for sharpened pencils and then I have a different bucket for pencils that need to be sharpened next to the electric sharpener.
However, my 6 yo and 2 yo thought that the cans worked well for holding the wildflowers they picked for me tonight! I didn't have the heart to take them out.